A.P.J. | アルミ賞状額 Eフレーム | アルミ額縁 賞状 シンプル おしゃれ【メーカー取り寄せ/納期約2週間】
Tax included
In stock
About made-to-order products
For products ordered from manufacturers in Scandinavia and the UK, we aim to close orders at the end of each month and deliver within the following month.
Order on October 25th → Shipped in late November
Order on November 1st → Ship in late December
If you order at the end of the month, the shortest delivery time is approximately 3 weeks, but if you order at the beginning of the month, the delivery time will be approximately 2 months.
About Shipping
It will be shipped by courier/mail.
Please refer to the shipping fee displayed on the purchase screen.
Free shipping for purchases over 22,000 yen.
Please choose between credit card payment or cash on delivery.
・サイズ:OA賞状A3サイズ 297×420mm (台紙枠の窓抜き部分サイズ 270×390mm 紙サイズ:330×450mm まで入ります)
・フラットな賞状・証書・免状専用フレーム エンジor紺の枠台紙付
・ 賞状などの入替えが簡単。
製造国 | JAPAN |
ブランド名 | A.P.J. |
素材 | アルミ製・PET |
取り扱いサイズ | A3 / A4 / B4 / B5 |
コンディション | 新品 |
配送方法 | 宅配便 |
備考 | - |